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Power BI Desktop Training

Image of laptop displaying an image containing the words Microsoft Power BI


In the digital age, data is the cornerstone of business intelligence. Organisations across the globe are leveraging data visualisation tools to analyse vast amounts of information, deriving insights that inform decision-making and strategic planning. Microsoft Power BI Desktop stands out as a leading solution, offering powerful data analysis and visualisation capabilities that cater to the needs of data professionals and business analysts alike.

Power BI Desktop is a free application that allows users to connect to various data sources, transform that data into a model, and then use that model to create reports and visualisations. It serves as the foundation for creating comprehensive business intelligence reports that can be shared across organisations through the Power BI service.

This article delves deep into the world of Power BI Desktop, providing a detailed guide for beginners and advanced users alike. From setting up your environment and connecting to data sources, to advanced data modeling and creating dynamic visualisations, we will cover all the essential aspects of Power BI Desktop training. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills for a career in data analytics or aiming to unlock the full potential of your business data, this article will serve as your comprehensive guide to mastering Power BI Desktop.

Getting Started with Power BI Desktop

Power BI Desktop is a formidable tool in Microsoft's suite, designed to transform raw data into compelling data visualisations and insights. Before diving into its capabilities, it's crucial to ensure that your system meets the necessary requirements for a seamless experience. Power BI Desktop requires Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2016. A minimum of 2GB RAM is recommended, though more is preferable for handling larger datasets.

Installation is straightforward; Power BI Desktop can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store or the official Power BI website. Upon launching the application, users are greeted by a user-friendly interface that comprises three main views: Report View, Data View, and Model View. These views are pivotal for creating reports, examining data, and managing the data model, respectively.

Connecting to data sources is the first step in the data analysis process. Power BI Desktop supports a wide array of data sources, including but not limited to Excel, SQL Server, and cloud-based services like Google Analytics and Salesforce. Through the "Get Data" option, users can effortlessly import data, setting the stage for analysis and visualisation.

Data Modeling and Transformation

After importing data into Power BI Desktop, the next step is to model and transform that data to meet reporting needs. This is where the Query Editor becomes an invaluable tool, offering capabilities to clean, reshape, and enrich your data. Users can perform various transformations such as filtering rows, changing data types, and merging queries.

Data relationships are crucial in Power BI, allowing users to connect different tables of data in meaningful ways. Understanding how to manage these relationships is key to building effective data models. Power BI Desktop provides a relationship view, enabling users to visualise and edit the relationships between tables in their model.

Creating Visualisations

With your data model in place, the next exciting phase is creating visualisations. Power BI Desktop offers a rich set of visualisation options, including bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, and more. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create and customise visualisations, enabling you to tell a story with your data.

Best practices for creating impactful visualisations include choosing the right chart type for your data, using colours effectively, and focusing on clarity to make your reports intuitive and insightful. Power BI Desktop also allows for the import of custom visuals from the Power BI Visuals Marketplace, providing even more ways to represent your data uniquely.

DAX: Data Analysis Expressions

DAX, or Data Analysis Expressions, is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in a formula or expression to calculate and return one or more values. Stepping into DAX can seem daunting, but it's a powerful aspect of Power BI that allows for sophisticated data manipulation.

Common DAX functions include SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. These functions can be used to create calculated columns in your data model or measures for your reports. Learning DAX opens up a world of possibilities for data analysis within Power BI Desktop.

Publishing and Sharing Reports

Once your report is ready, Power BI Desktop allows you to publish it to the Power BI service, where you can share it with others in your organisation. The process is as simple as clicking the "Publish" button and selecting the destination workspace in the Power BI service.

Sharing reports and dashboards enables team members to access insights and make data-driven decisions. However, it's important to consider security and governance policies to ensure sensitive data is protected.

Advanced Power BI Desktop Features

Beyond the basics, Power BI Desktop offers a range of advanced features that cater to the needs of more experienced users and complex data scenarios. Power BI Premium provides dedicated cloud resources for more extensive and demanding data models, including larger data volumes and higher refresh rates. Power BI Embedded allows developers to embed interactive Power BI reports and dashboards into custom applications, ensuring users have access to vital business insights within their operational tools.

For those looking to automate their Power BI workflows, the Power BI API enables programmable interaction with Power BI resources, allowing for the automation of dataset refreshes, report creation, and more. Additionally, Power BI's integration with other Microsoft products, like Excel and Azure, means that users can leverage a comprehensive ecosystem for their data analytics needs. For instance, analysing Azure data in Power BI or exporting Power BI reports to Excel for further manipulation.

The Benefits of Power BI Training Courses at ExperTrain

At ExperTrain, we recognise the significance of mastering Power BI to extract maximum value from your data. Our comprehensive training program is meticulously crafted to cater to varying skill levels, offering three distinct courses:

1. Microsoft Power BI Desktop Introduction (1-day)

On completion of this course, you will have learnt to use Power BI (Business Intelligence) Desktop to create report visuals. You will understand how the reports can interact with each other and the great level of interactivity the audience can use to drill, filter, sort and create simple calculations. On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand basic Power BI desktop concepts and features
  • Connect to Excel data with Power BI desktop
  • Be able to perform simple calculations using calculated columns
  • Work with Power BI standard visuals
  • Apply, remove, and edit conditional formatting to Table visuals

2. Microsoft Power BI Desktop Intermediate (1-day)

This Microsoft Power BI Desktop Intermediate training course is aimed at anyone looking to use this powerful, flexible, and accessible business intelligence tool to connect with and shape / transform data, build models, use DAX functions, and craft structured report visuals,which can then be shared with users. On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Import data into Power BI using Excel and CSV files
  • Transform Data in Power Query Editor
  • Working with themes
  • Create relationships between the tables
  • Create Formulas using DAX Functions
  • Build Report Visuals

3. Microsoft Power BI Desktop Advanced (1-day)

This Microsoft Power BI Desktop Advanced training course is for anyone looking to create formulas using the advanced DAX functions. You will create calculations using calculated columns, measures, quick measures, and tables. You will use the Power Query Editor to clean up your data tables and generate structured reports. On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Work in the Power Query Editor to transform data
  • Create calculations using Advanced DAX Functions
  • Add tooltips, conditional formatting and sparklines to visuals
  • Create Custom column calculations
  • Append and Merge Queries

Why Choose ExperTrain for Power BI Training?

  • Expert-Led Learning: Our courses are led by seasoned professionals, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of Power BI's functionalities.
  • Hands-on Experience: Practical exercises and demonstrations reinforce theoretical concepts, enabling immediate application in real-world scenarios.
  • Tailored Learning Paths: From foundational knowledge to advanced DAX mastery, our courses cater to diverse skill levels.
  • Empower Your Business: Equip your team with the skills to transform data into actionable insights, driving informed decision-making.

In conclusion, embracing the power of Microsoft Power BI through our specialised courses opens doors to unlocking the full potential of your data, fostering a data-driven culture within your organisation.

Ready to embark on your Power BI journey? Join ExperTrain and transform your data into valuable insights today!

You can view the full details for each course by clicking on the following links:

Microsoft Power BI Desktop Introduction (1-day)

Microsoft Power BI Desktop Intermediate (1-day)

Microsoft Power BI Desktop Advanced (1-day)

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